
人教版新起点二年级英语下册Unit2 Story time 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Unit 2 Story Time 故事时间

What's the weather like? 天气怎么样?

It's cloudy and rainy. 多云有雨。

I don't like rain. 我不喜欢雨。

I love rain! 我喜欢雨!

Look, now it's sunny! 看,现在天晴了!

Let's go to the park. 我们去公园吧。

Oh no! Now it's sunny.哦,不!现在是晴天。

But it's windy. 但是有风。

We can fly a kite. 我们能放风筝。

Do you want to go to the park? 你想去公园吗?

Yes! Let's go. 好啊!走。

I can fly a kite now! 我现在能放风筝了!

This is fun. 好有趣。

Oh no, mu cap!哦不,我的帽子。




(  )1. A. rainy  B. snowy  C. swim  D. windy

(  )2. A. warm  B. today  C. hot  D . cool

(  )3. A. weather  B. sunny  C. cloudy  D. snowy

(  )4. A. London  B. Beijing  C. world  D. New York

二、从下列每组单词中, 选出一个画线部分的发音不同于其他三个的


(  )1. A. farm  B. warm  C. car  D. arm

(  )2. A. tall  B. ball  C. far  D. wall

(  )3. A. bird  B. first  C. girl  D. forty

(  )4. A. cloudy  B. outside  C. soup  D. about

(  )5. A. music  B. sunny  C. lunch  D. mum


(  )1. It ’s warm ________  Hangzhou.

A. up  B. in  C. of

(  )2. I like watching the ________.

A. a rep ort  B. report weather  C. weather report

(  )3. ________ some soup, Amy.

A. To eat  B. Have  C. For

(  )4. It ’s rainy in Guangzhou. _______ Jinan?

A. How are  B. How about  C. How in

(  )5. What ’s the weather ________ in Nanjing?

A. is  B. like  C. to


1. is, it, warm ,today(.)


2. it, sunny, is (?)

_______________________________________ ________________

3. it, cold, is , snowy, and(.)


4. isn’t, no, it (.)


5. (N) is, a, it, wall, the, on, tall, picture(.)



(  ) Yes, you can.

(  ) Fine, thank you.

(  ) It ’s windy! Can I fly a kite?

(  ) Is it cool outside?

(  ) Yes, it is. It ’s cool and windy.

(  ) How are you?


一、 1. C  2. B  3. A  4. C  5. B

二、 1. B  2. C  3. D  4. C  5. A

三、 1. B  2. C  3. B  4. B  5. B

四、 1. It is warm today.

2. Is it sunny?

3. It is cold and snowy.

4. No, it isn ’t.

5. It is a picture on the tall wall.

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